
Fanatik’s Dungan Castle

I have a thing for castles, which meant that when Fanatik announced their latest release, the Dungan Castle, I pretty much knew I would have to get it even before I checked it out. I have already had plenty of mileage as far as photos goes from their previous castle, the Arkaig Castle, and the new one looked sufficiently different that I felt it would be a great addition to the photo locations on our sim. To give a sense of what it is like, I have done a video walk-through. Expect to see more of it in photos in the coming weeks!

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Witch Queen

I am staying in an occult mood for this post as well, having several beautiful new witchy sets of jewellery by Voluptas Virtualis to show off as well as a new Witch Hazel dress from the Dreaming Thicket which continues the theme. My new hair from Wasabi is from the pop-up round at the Arcade and I am also wearing more makeup from the Black Magic set by alaskametro, which I absolutely love. Plus, another look at the Straight Jacket shoes from Adam n Eve.

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Black Magic

October has barely arrived and already Second Life is filling up with zombies, vampires, witches and whatever else that Halloween might bring. I am starting off gently in this post with just a hint of darkness in the Straight Jacket shoes from Adam n Eve and the Coffe couch & chair set by the Plastik, as well as an eyeshadow from alaskametro’s Black Magic set. Also featured is a new lingerie set from Voluptas Virtualis and a new hair from Wasabi.

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Much to my delight, sachi Vixen of Adam n Eve will be releasing her first gown in ages for the October round of We Love Role-Play which opens tomorrow. Without a purchase of one of her ballgowns back in 2007 we might never have met and become friends, so never underestimate the power of a pretty gown! The new gown, Henriette, started to take form after I suggested that sachi watch Versailles for some inspiration and I am delighted with how it came out. You will not want to miss checking it out at the event as it is being sold at 50% off.

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A Pond of Princes

Ever wonder how the Frog Prince ended up cursed to be a frog in the first place? Perhaps there was a pretty witch whose heart he broke. And perhaps he wasn’t the first prince to do so either. You see, she was a bit of a romantic and couldn’t resist being charmed by handsome princes, but something would always go wrong. The prince would go on a quest and have forgotten all about the witch on his return. Sometimes, there’d be a princess involved. Whatever the cause, the witch’s heart would be broken again and soon enough there would be another addition to the pond in her garden. Over time, it got quite crowded there.

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The Right Vintage

Vintage Fair 2018 has just opened and it offers two sims (North and South) full of vintage inspired wearables, accessories, decor and so on. Precisely what vintage provides the inspiration will of course vary greatly—I have spotted everything from Victorian to the 70’s in a quick browse of the sims—and there’s something for everyone, including the guys! In my first post for the event I am wearing a dress by Adam n Eve (sachi Vixen is finally getting back into clothing, yay), a hair by Sn@tch, shoes by Eclectica and using poses from Gingerfish.

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On a Pedestal

The Pose Fair has now been going on for about two weeks. I actually went shopping on the first day, but haven’t had time to blog my purchases until now. My favourite find has to be the “Shame Stand” from Artis, a pedestal with seven poses (versions for flat and high feet included). I used them unaltered for the first two poses, then used Animare to tweak the head position in order to better show off the jewellery from the Plastik in the close-ups.

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Adam n Eve’s Jenna

This will be unusually brief, but I fell off during my riding lesson today and landed on my behind, so I am not sitting very comfortably. As a result, I am simply going to make a short and sweet introduction of Jenna, a new skin from Adam n Eve that is made exclusively for Vista’s bento heads. Jenna comes in the usual six tones from Adam n Eve and with four brow colours plus a no brow option. She was designed on Diana, the second of Vista’s two heads, but I think she looks just as good on Lia. To show her off, I decided to dabble in some close-up head shots, something I always find a little tricky. You will find Jenna at Vista’s mainstore.

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Skin Fair 2018: Adam n Eve & Kanon

I mentioned Skin Fair 2018 in my previous post and now it is time to start with some proper coverage of the event. My plan is to mix it in with my regular blogging by opening up each skin fair blog with a regular “on location” photo as opposed to a plain studio shot of a skin. Then I will give you a good look at the front and back of the skin and a close-up of the face. I do plan to do some more detailed skin reviewing in the write-ups as well, especially if I try any new brands. However, the first post focuses on Adam n Eve and one of the shapes I’ve made for sachi’s new skin under my Kanon brand, so this one is more informative than a proper review.

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Waiting in the Dark

I have been busy setting up for Skin Fair the last few days—I will be participating with my shape brand, Kanon—but this is a combination I have wanted to shoot for a while. It features my last two picks from February’s Bound Box; a harness from Narcisse and a lounger from Violetility. I’ve also added stockings from Luxuria for the new round of Blush and another new hair from Wasabi—they’re on quite a roll with new releases right now. Finally, I am giving a sneak peak of the Anya skin from Adam n Eve which will be available at Skin Fair 2018 when it opens on the 9th.

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Leashed Butterfly

I have to say, the windlight really was what made this shot work. It added an incredible lushness to the scene, really taking advantage of the velvets of the Justine sofa to create an amazingly decadent backdrop for my scantily clad self. The starting piece for the “outfit” was the collar and leash from Voluptas Virtualis and then I tried on a number of other things to see what worked with it.

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My Nightmare

I do not like spiders. In fact, I am absolutely terrified of spiders. Fortunately, my virtual self is made of sterner stuff and did not run away screaming when I put on the latest release from deviousMind. That does not mean, however, that I didn’t have to suppress a shiver when attaching the various spiders that go along with the outfit. I mean, spiders crawling across your breasts, that is just evil!

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Frou Frou

A lingerie-focused event sounds like just the thing for Second Life and in this post I am showing the first of two releases from Voluptas Virtualis for Frou Frou. Also featured are some lovely new earrings from the Plastik, a pavillion from Trompe Loeil and the new VIP Group Gift from Truth.

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Back to School

This is all rather inappropriate, but once I got the Alice boots from lassitude & ennui and the thigh high socks from Luxuria, I couldn’t help but to pair them with a couple of recent gachas—Anachron’s School Book Gacha and Roawenwood’s Kinky Back to School Gacha. My inventory is distinctly short on school uniforms, so went for the Vickie corset from Voluptas Virtualis, which I have shown before but which has so many colour and texture options that it certainly doesn’t hurt to show it again.

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Honor of the Warrior

Last week, LightStar released another set of mesh heads, Maya and Rajan. As you know, I am a big fan of the LightStar heads and I really like that Krystal Silverweb tries to capture a very distinct look for each of her pairs. And speaking of pairs, I also think that it is great that they always come in pairs because the guys sure need more options! Now, if there would only be more Omega head appliers around, it would be even better. Fortunately, there are quite a few Omega head appliers for women these days, not the least after Adam n Eve’s store revamp which now offers every skin as LeLutka, Catwa and Omega.

Anyway, this is just a quick look at Maya, I really hope I will have time to also make a video, but we’ve got all sorts of travelling coming up so blogging and vlogging will be sparse.

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